Cave City Tourism

Cave City Tourist and Convention Commission was formed in 1978, the first tourism commission formed for a 4th Class City. The Tourism Commission is the managing entity of the Cave City Confernce Center located at 502 Mammoth Cave St., Cave City, KY.

The Commission is funded by a 4% Transient Room Tax and 3% Restaurant Tax as allowed by Kentucky Revised Statutes (KRS) 91A.350-400.

The Board of Directors is appointed by the Mayor of Cave City for a 3 year term, with staggered dates of appointment. Per KRS, the board consists of 3 Lodging, 1 Restaurant, 1 Chamber of Commerce, and 2 Mayor appointees

The Tourism Commission meetings and operations are governed and regulated by:

Kentucky Open Records and Meeting Law

As defined by KRS 65A.10-90, the Cave City Tourist & Convention Commission is subject to reporting criteria for Special Purpose Government Entities. Budget, Amended Budgets and Audit documents are available for public access at:
Special Purpose Government Entities

Kentucky Procurement Code
Kentucky Revised Statutes – KRS Chapter 45A

2024 Board of Directors

Board meetings are held the second Monday of each month, 1:00 pm, at the Cave City Convention Center, 502 Mammoth Cave St., Cave City, KY 42127.

Cave City Tourist & Convention Commission:

Cave City Tourist & Convention Commission offers 50/50 grant reimbursement opportunities to non-profit or community groups with direct tourism impact to the community. Grants are not available for capital improvement or operating costs.

Download the guidelines and application for your convenience here, or call 270-773-3131 for additional information.